How To Fill Government Tender Online?
Recently, publishing and issuing of bids have undergone a significant alteration and things are certainly as they used to be. With the internet reaching every household in India and the ease with which it can be accessed, the internet has become synonymous with everything from shopping to making payments and ordering food. No matter where you live or what you do, the internet connects you to the rest of the world and keeps you up to date on what’s going on across the world, and gets to you whatever you might need, and that’s certainly not limited to e-commerce. Whether you’re looking for government tenders in India or private sector tenders, there are a number of websites that can assist you to find current tender details and apply for them, and it is surely bringing along a wave of change in its stride!
If you have been wondering how to fill government tender online, here is all you need to know.
● First log into the site using the user id and password created during registration.
● The website’s “My Documents “ area allows you to save all of your scanned documents ahead of time. When you’re ready to bid, upload all of your necessary papers in accordance with the tender’s requirements.
● Following the download of a tender’s schedule, the bidder must meticulously submit the paperwork, failing which the tender will be rejected.
● Bidders are only allowed to provide their bidder name and values, and the BOQ template cannot be changed.
● The EMD indicated in the tender must be mailed to the authority in its original form within the tender’s designated deadline.
● The bidder must accept the terms and conditions after carefully reading them before proceeding.
● During the bid submission, all tender-related documentation must be supplied well in advance.
● The bidder must freeze the number after entering his name and bid value, after which his value will be frozen and forwarded for evaluation.
● The sum can be paid in two ways: online and offline.
● It’s best to finish the bidding process well before the deadline, or the Tender Inviting Authority will reject it.
The complex nature of government processes resulted in numerous loopholes, and the cancer of corruption eventually ate up a significant portion of the government’s budget. One of the primary aims of the Indian government is to combat corruption and introduce transparency and efficiency reforms in public procurement. The Government e-Marketplace (GeM) is a bold initiative by the government with the goal of revolutionizing the way government ministries/departments, PSUs, autonomous bodies, and other entities acquire goods and ventures.